Υποψήφιος Διδάκτορας
Papachilleos Soterios has been practicing Neurology and Homeopathy in private healthcare. He earned his medical degree from Kapodistrian University of Athens and completed his residency in Neurology at Eginition University Hospital. At the end of his residency he was accepted as an intern at Cyclotron Research Center at Liege, Belgium where he was trained for 7 months in sleep research studies. He holds a Master’s degree in Alternative Medical Systems-Classical Homeopathy from the Department of Products and System Design Engineering of the University of the Aegean. Since June 2020, he is a PhD candidate working on an organizational approach regarding the self-regulation capacities of complex biological systems.
Research Interests
- Complex Biological Systems
- The Relation between Emotion and Cognition
- Cognitive Neuroscience & Neurology
- Nature / Scientific reports. Circadian dynamics in measures of cortical excitation and inhibition balanceSarah L. Chellappa, Giulia Gaggioni, Julien Q. M. Ly, Soterios Papachilleos, Chloé Borsu, Alexandre Brzozowski, Mario Rosanova, Simone Sarasso, André Luxen, Benita Middleton, Simon N. Archer, Derk-Jan Dijk, Marcello Massimini, Pierre Maquet, Christophe Phillips, Rosalyn J. Moran & Gilles Vandewalle. (Published: 21 September 2016)
- Nature Communications. Circadian regulation of human cortical excitabilityJulien Q.M. LyGiulia Gaggioni, Sarah L. Chellappa, Soterios Papachilleos, Alexandre Brzozowski, Chloe Borsu, Mario Rosanova, Simone Sarasso, Benita Middleton, Andre Luxen, Simon N. Archer, Christophe Phillips, Derk-Jan Dijk, Pierre Maquet, Marcello Massimini & Gilles Vandewalle. (Published 24 Jun 2016)
- Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. Human cortical excitability depends on time awake and circadian phaseJulien Q. Ly1, Sarah L. Chellappa, Giulia Gaggioni, Soterios N. Papachilleos, Alexandre Brzozowski, Chloé Borsu, Mario Rosanova, Simone Sarasso, Simon Archer, Derk-Jan Dijk, Christophe Phillips, Pierre Maquet, Marcello Massimini and Gilles Vandewalle. (Published on 16 Aug 2014)
- Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. Cortical excitability dynamics during extended wakefulness set PVT performanceChloé Paule, Emilie Borsu, Giulia Gaggioni, Julien Quang-Minh Ly, Soterios Nikolaos Papachilleos, Alexandre Brzozowski, Mario Rosanova, Simone Sarasso, Simon Archer Derk-Jan Dijk, Christophe Phillips, Pierre Maquet, Marcello Massimini, Sarah Laxhmi Chellappa, Gilles Vandewalle. (Published 13 Jul 2014)
- Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. Sleep slow-wave activity predicts changes in human cortical excitability during extended wakefulnessGiulia Gaggioni, Julien Quang Minh Ly, Dorothée Coppieters ‘t Wallant, Vincenzo Muto, Chloé Borsu, Soterios Nikolaos Papachilleos, Alexandre Brzozowski, Simone Sarrasso, Mario Rosanova, Simon N. Archer, Pierre Maquet, Derk-Jan Dijk, Christophe Phillips, Marcello Massimini, Sarah Laxhmi Chellappa. (Published on 30 Jun 2014)
- Journal of Sleep Research. Dynamics of human cortical ensembles are set by circadian system and sleep homeostasisChellappa, S. L., Ly, J. Q. M., Gaggioni, G., Papachilleos S., Borsu, C., Brzozowski, A., Archer, S. N., Rosanova, M. (Published on 01 Jan 2014)