Spyros Vosinakis is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Product and Systems Design Engineering, University of the Aegean, Greece with subject ‘Virtual Reality’. He holds a BSc in Informatics from the University of Piraeus, Greece, an MSc in Computer Graphics and Virtual Environments from the University of Hull, UK and a PhD in Informatics from the University of Piraeus, Greece with subject ‘Intelligent Agents in Virtual Environments’. His research interests include interactive 3D environments, virtual and augmented reality, serious games, educational technology, and digital heritage. He has published one book, 77 scientific papers in journals, conference proceedings and book chapters, and his published work has received over 680 citations. He has participated as a researcher in 11 funded R&D projects (three as a scientific coordinator), and he has over 15 years of experience as a lead developer of interactive systems and 3D applications for companies and research projects.
Research Interests
- Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality
- Natural User Interfaces, 3D User Interfaces
- Serious Games
- Digital Heritage
- Intelligent Virtual Agents
- PhD in Informatics, University of Piraeus, Greece. Title: “Intelligent Agents in Virtual Environments”.
- MSc in Computer Graphics and Virtual Environments, University of Hull, UK.
- BSc in Informatics, University of Piraeus, Greece.
- Pellas, N., & Vosinakis, S. (2018). The effect of simulation games on learning computer programming: A comparative study on high school students' learning performance by assessing computational problem-solving strategies. Education and Information Technologies, in press.
- Koutsabasis, P., & Vosinakis, S. (2018). Kinesthetic interactions in museums: conveying cultural heritage by making use of ancient tools and (re-) constructing artworks. Virtual Reality, 22(2).
- Vosinakis, S., & Koutsabasis, P. (2018). Evaluation of visual feedback techniques for virtual grasping with bare hands using Leap Motion and Oculus Rift. Virtual Reality, 22(1), 47-62.
- Vosinakis, S., Anastassakis, G., & Koutsabasis, P. (2018). Teaching and learning logic programming in virtual worlds using interactive microworld representations. British Journal of Educational Technology.
- Vosinakis, S. (2017). Digital Characters in Cultural Heritage Applications. International Journal of Computational Methods in Heritage Science (IJCMHS), 1(2), 1-20.
- “Virtual Worlds – State of the Art, Applications and Development in OpenSimulator”, ISBN: 978-960-603-226-4, Author: S. Vosinakis, Hellenic Academic Libraries Publishing, 2016.