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Mission statement

Complexity is a general feature that governs design systems in their role of designed systems as well as that of systems that design. The investigation of the emergence and development of various forms of complex organisations is fundamental for an understanding of the design process in general, and the design of complex services and systems in particular.

Therefore, the general purpose of the research laboratory is to support research and academic activities linked to the analysis and design of interventions in complex systems and the design of services at all levels of organisational complexity.

The laboratory focuses on the whole range of the more general areas of system complexity and related theoretical examples, in particular the problematic design areas, and more specifically, in holistic, and using systemic 'language' organisational approaches of conception, investigation, understanding, analysis, and design of complex and autonomous systems and services as they relate to various phenomena and problems in the following fields of knowledge:


  • Complexity of Interactive Organisations
  • Complexity of Design Processes
  • Theories and Methodologies of Design
  • Systemic Theory and Self-organisation
  • Service Design
  • Social Innovation Design
  • Design for All
  • Information Design
  • Design for Sustainability
  • Organisational Theory


The objectives and services of the CSSD laboratory can be broken down as follows

  • Teaching related courses of the departmental undergraduate and postgraduate programmes (master’s level).
  • Supervision of the undergraduate diploma thesis and of master’s theses
  • Supervision of doctoral research
  • Conducting and participating in summer schools and programs of remote education and lifelong learning.
  • The writing of educational aids, and the creation and provision of teaching and pedagogical material of high quality
  • Conducting basic and applied research.
  • Dissemination of research results through publications in international journals and conferences.
  • Organisation and participation in speeches, seminars and workshops.


The services offered by the laboratory are:

  • Support for research projects of the department, both funded and unfunded
  • Representation and participation of the department in national and international collaborative research and development programmes.
  • Design of the services provided by the Department
  • The promotion of innovation and the implementation of projects aimed at strengthening national and local competitiveness through a thorough analysis of the existing situation and the design of new/innovative services aiming at new/innovative jobs.
  • Support of the collaborations of the department/laboratory with other research groups, sectors and laboratories, such as student exchanges, hospitality and support of scientists, guest professors, etc.
  • Participation in international networks for the study of complex bio-cognitive systems, service design, systemic approaches to design, and organizational design.


Research Areas

  • Complexity, Self-Organisation and Autonomy, Organisational Analysis and Theoretical Underpinnings of Complex Interactive (Bio-Cognitive) Systems.
  • Embodied Cognition aAnd Interaction, Emotional and Aesthetic Interaction, Creativity In DESIGN
  • Design Theory and Methodology, Autonomy and Design
  • Naturalistic Ontologies and Epistomologies Of Complex Systems and Organizations
  • Design of Organizations, Design of Socio-Technical and Artificial Systems and Environments, Design of Autonomous Systems
  • Service Design, Social Innovation Design, Design for Circular Economy,
  • Entrepreneurship and Design for the Sharing Economy
  • Design for Sustainability, and inclusion of Tacit knowledge and Traces
  • Collaborative, Participatory and Open Design, Desgin for  UX, Speculative approaches and Design Fiction as research methods for Service design in Transformation design
  • Design of Accessible Services, Products and Systems, and the production of International, European and Greek standards(ISO, CEN/CENELEC, ELOT), especially those related to services and their design, and that are concerned with accessibility for a wide range of consumers, including the most vulnerable.    
  • Information Design, especially for the better understanding and communication of service offerings
  • Making and Craft and its place in Design
  • Street Art



Research Lab Members

Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Teaching & Technical Staff
Doctoral Candidate
Doctoral Candidate
Doctoral Candidate
PhD Candidate
Doctoral Candidate


The laboratory is housed temporarily in the main building (1st Gymnasium) and will acquire its own special space in the academic year 2020-21 when it will be transferred to the former Elysee building. The building is located on the coastal road of Ermoupolis and is currently being renovated in order to be able to host research and educational work of groups and individuals. 



  • Desktop 3D Scanner (on order).
  • Digital recording tools (photographic and video cameras)
  • Scanners, printers, peripheral computer equipment (on order)
  • Tools to facilitate collaboration (e.g. interactive whiteboards, table tops, etc.)
  • Low-fidelity (Lo-fi) prototyping tools


Affiliated Collaborations and Networks

  • IAS Research Group for Life, Mind, and Society - University of the Basque Country, Spain -
  • Konrad Lorentz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research – An Institute for the Advanced Study of Natural Complex Systems, Klosterneuburg (Vienna), Austria -
  • Systems Biology and Bioinformatics, University of Rostock, Germany -
  • EPÆG
  • Human Evolution and Cognition Research Group (EVOCOG)
  • Vienna CogSciHub
  • Visual Perception and Aesthetics Lab
  • Desis (Design for social innovation and sustainability)
  • Transition design network (
  • Systemic Design Association
  • Service Design Network


Projects (a selection)

  • Human Cities Creative works with small and remote places. Creative Europe (2014 -2020) – Culture / European cooperation projects 2020
  • RE-LINK (Relinking the weak link. Building resilient digital households through interdisciplinary and multilevel exploration and intervention), funded by the Norwegian Research Council 2019-2023 Project code: 288663
  • MOOC Accessibility Partnership MOOCAP Horizon2020 ERASMUS+ programme (2014-1-DE01-KA203-000679 (2014-1017).
  • Susede 2014 - Emerging Theories, Methodologies and Applications in the area of Design: Sustainability & Service Design”. "University of the Aegean in collaboration with Lancaster University, Delft University of Technology, Koln International School of Design and Politecnico di Milano
  • Susede 2013 - Sustainable Service Design” 2013 Erasmus I.P. 2013
  • Summer School: Simplifying Complex Information: the design of understandable, accessible and meaningful information. Information Design Summer School 2013 in collaboration with Simplification Centre and the International Institute for Information Design (Sept 30th- Oct 4th 2016), Syros
  • SuSeDe 2012 - Sustainability and Service Design
  • BenToWeb - Benchmarking Tools and Methods for the Web, IST, 2005-2007.
  • ΝΕΩΡΙΟΝ ΙΙ: European Network to Support Employment and Adaptability in Shipbuilding Industry – Promoting the competitiveness and the safeguarding of labour force of shipyards. ΝΗΣΙΩΤΙΚΗ ΣΥΜΠΟΛΙΤΕΙΑ – ΙΣΟΤΙΜΗ ΠΡΟΣΒΑΣΗ, EQUAL, EU. 2002-2005
  • Network of Excellence - IDCnet “Inclusive Design Curriculum network”, IST, 2002-2004.
  • IRIS - Incorporating Requirements of People with Special Needs or Impairments to Internet-based Systems and Services, 2000-2003.
  • GUARDIANS: Gateway for User Access to Remote Distributed Information and Network