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Doctoral Candidate
Discipline: Education and Digital Cultural Heritage
Curriculum Vitae: English CV
Contact Info
Office: Old 1st Gymnasio Building, office Α.0.7
Office Hours: Every Thursday and Friday 12.00-16.00
Postal Address: Konstantinoupoleos 2, Ermoupolis, Syros, ΤΚ 84100
Phone: 22810-97155
v [teleia] nikolakopoulou [papaki] aegean [teleia] gr
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Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics (2012) and Master’s degree in Design Engineering (2015). Developed her expertise in adapting math to more applied disciplines, such as Design and Human-Computer Interaction. Currently doing her PhD at University of Aegean, Syros, while also enjoying being a research fellow and member of the Heritage Management e-Society (HERMeS).

Voluntary involvement in two European projects, MASCIL - MAthematics and SCIence for Life (EC/FP7-SIS/ 320693) and Europeana Space Project (EC/CIP/621037), concerning the enhancement of students’ learning through ICT inside the classroom, resulting in four relevant conference papers.

Worked as a Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher (ESR fellow) in Cyprus and Austria, at the Initial Training Network (ITN) explicitly dedicated to Digital Cultural Heritage (DCH) (EC/FP7/608013). Also cooperated with two other big relevant EU projects, ViMM (H2020/COOP/727107) and INCEPTION (H2020/RIA/665220). Having experience as e-course developer (2014-2015) for Open Academic Courses at University of Athens (ESPA 2007-2013), she is now focusing on educational design and presentation of digitized cultural assets and their learning effectiveness.

She led many dissemination and outreach activities in relative events (EU Researchers’ Night and Med Science Festival). Participated at two Science Communication events representing ITN-DCH and Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions: EU Open Days Mini Citizens Dialogue (Brussels) and ECSITE 2018 (Geneva). She has been member of Organizing and Scientific Committee in two International Conferences in Cyprus and Slovenia, widening her research, scientific perspectives and communication skills.


Research Interests

  • UX in designing interactive systems relevant to Digital Cultural Heritage.
  • Evaluation of visitor’s experience when interacting with digital applications relative to cultural heritage.
  • Digitization technologies, 3D reconstruction software and tools, advanced user interfaces and projection mediums of cultural heritage content.
  • ICTs for the education of cultural heritage in school, museum, and other cultural institutions.


Title of the Thesis

User Experience (UX) Evaluation methods and tools in Designing Interactive systems related to Cultural Heritage,  with educational content.

Three-member Committee


  • (2017) PhD student, Department of Product and Systems Design Engineering, Polytechnic School, University of Aegean. Thesis: “Methods and tools for evaluating UX in the design of interactive systems in cultural heritage with educational content”.
  • (2016) Fellowship, Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher (ESR) at Initial Training Network for Digital Cultural Heritage Cyprus University of Technology, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering and Informatics. Title: “New techniques for data storage and archiving of massive and complex amounts of 2D/3D/4D Cultural assets”.
  • (2015) MSc in Design of Interactive and Industrial Product and Systems, Polytechnic School, University of Aegean.
  • (2012) BSc in Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, School of Science, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
  • Digitization of Kounadis Archive (Rebetiko music) and Development of Kounadis Virtual Museum, Stavros Niarchos Foundation, on going
  • Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher (ESR): Initial Training Network for Digital Cultural Heritage (ITN-DCH)
  • Digital Heritage Research Lab, Cyprus University of Technology, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering and Informatics, 20 months
  • E-course developer for the web platform Open Courses at the University of Athens. Network Operation Center GUNet, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, 19 months
  • Papaefthymiou, M., Nikolakopoulou, V., Leventis, G., Domajnko, M., Ioannides, M., Papagiannakis, G., & Santos, P. (2017). Projecting our Past to the Future-Challenges and Results: The Case of Asinou church.
  • Ioannides, M., Davies, R., Chatzigrigoriou, P., Papageorgiou, E., Leventis, G., Nikolakopoulou, V., & Athanasiou, V. (2017). 3D Digital Libraries and their contribution in the documentation of the past. In Mixed Reality and Gamification for Cultural Heritage (pp. 161-199). Springer, Cham
  • Ioannides, M., Chatzigrigoriou, P., Bokolas, V., Nikolakopoulou, V., Athanasiou, V., Papageorgiou, E., ... & Sovis, C. (2016, October). Educational Creative Use and Reuse of Digital Cultural Heritage Data for Cypriot UNESCO Monuments. In Euro-Mediterranean Conference (pp. 891-901). Springer, Cham
  • Ioannides, M., Athanasiou, V., Chatzigrigoriou, P., Papageorgiou, E., Leventis, G., Nikolakopoulou, V., & Sovis, C. (2016, October). Immersive digital heritage experience with the use of interactive technology. In Euro-Mediterranean Conference (pp. 265-271). Springer, Cham.
  • Ioannides, M., Chatzigrigoriou, P., Bokolas, V., Nikolakopoulou, V., & Athanasiou, V. (2016, August). Educational use of 3D models and photogrammetry content: the Europeana space project for Cypriot UNESCO monuments. In Fourth International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of the Environment (RSCy2016) (Vol. 9688, p. 96880W). International Society for Optics and Photonics.
  • Vasiliki Nikolakopoulou, "Implementing multi-touch tables into classroom: In what ways are students engaged in an interactive mathematical activity 'around the table'?", in Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics, (pp. 65-70) Manchester GB, February, 2016