Dr. Ioannis Xenakis is a research fellow of the Interactive Systems Design Laboratory of the Department of Product and Systems Design Engineering (DPSD) - University of the Aegean, which specializes in Interactive Media fields including Human-Computer Interaction of Information Systems, in Complex Systems and in Audiovisual Arts.
Since 2007 he is a Lecturer under contract 407/1980. He teaches in Design Studios for Product and Interactive Systems in Undergraduate and Postgraduate Studies in the Department of Product and Systems Design Engineering (DPSD) - University of the Aegean. He has many years of working experience in the art & design industry while he is performing artistic work as a visual artist. He has two undergraduate degrees in Art & Design and has completed postgraduate (2007) and doctoral studies (2013) at the University of the Aegean in the scientific areas of cognitive psychology such as perception and emotions with application in design and aesthetics. He has published seven peer-reviewed scientific papers and one book chapter in edited scientific collections in the form of a book. He has co-edited one Special Issue in a peer-reviewed Q1 journal.
Five of his papers have been published in Q1 (highest value) journals in the areas of Philosophical and Theoretical Psychology, Design Theory, History and Philosophy of Science. One of his papers has been published in Q2 (second highest value) journal in the area of Philosophical and Theoretical Psychology. Seven of his papers have been published in journals with Impact Factor from 1.340 to 2.560. He has seven entries in peer-reviewed International Conferences. His Google Scholar metrics mention 137 Citations, with h-index 5, and i10-index 4 (Google Scholar May 2018). He has one paper nominated by The Design Research Society and Elsevier for the Design Studies Award and awarded for being Highly Cited Research according to Scopus. He has two papers which are still among the most cited papers according to Scopus. Three papers are among the most downloaded papers. One of his papers has reached 10.368 views, more views than 94% of all Frontiers publications articles and 1.248 downloads, more than 84% of all Frontiers publications.
He has been at the Editorial Board of 3 peer-reviewed journals and have been invited as Guest Editor in 2 peer-reviewed journals He has been continuously served as a referee for 4 peer-reviewed journals. He has co-organized 2 international and 1 national conference. He is also an artist. He has presented his artwork in twelve exhibitions, which five of them are personal shows.
Research Interests
- Philosophy of Science
- Philosophy of Cognition and Interaction (Embodied cognition, Enactivism, Interactivism),
- Philosophy of Aesthetics, Aesthetic Science (Experimental Aesthetics, Cognitive Aesthetics, Design Aesthetics, Neuroaesthetics),
- Behavioral Sciences (Cognitive Psychology, Emotional Theory),
- Design Philosophy and Theory (Emotional Design, Interaction Design, Product Design, Service Design, etc.)
- Design Thinking and Methodologies
- Design representations
- Ill-defined and open-ended design problems
- Creative thinking
- Functional Ideation
- 2013 Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Department of Product & Systems Design Engineering, UNIVERSITY OF THE AEGEAN. Thesis Title: "The role of aesthetic emotions in human-artifact interaction process", PhD degree awarded on March 2013. Scientific areas: aesthetic theory, cognitive psychology, emotions, design theory and interaction design.
- 2007 Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Design of Interactive and Industrial Products and Systems, Department of Product & Systems Design Engineering, UNIVERSITY OF THE AEGEAN.
- 2004 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in painting, ATHENS SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS
- 1998 Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Printing Technology, Department of Graphic Arts & Technology, Faculty of Fine Arts & Design, Technological Educational Institute of ATHENS
- Επαγγελματική θέση 1: Υπεύθυνος παραγωγής στην εταιρία: « Μεταξοτυπική Αθηνών Χρήστος Γαρμπής & ΣΙΑ Ο.Ε.»., 4 έτη
- Επαγγελματική θέση 2: Υπεύθυνος καλλιτεχνικού τμήματος στην εταιρία: «Αφοι Λομβαρδια & ΣΙΑ ΟΕ », 3 έτη
- Επαγγελματική θέση 3: Υπουργείο Παιδείας, Έρευνας και Θρησκευμάτων, Διδασκαλία εικαστικών στο δημοτικό σχολείο, 4 έτη
- Επαγγελματική θέση 4: ΝΟΜΑΡΧΙΑΚΗ ΑΥΤΟΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΗ ΚΥΚΛΑΔΩΝ , ΝΟΜΑΡΧΙΑΚΗ ΕΠΙΤΡΟΠΗ ΛΑΪΚΗΣ ΕΠΙΜΟΡΦΩΣΗΣ – ΕΚΠΑΙΔΕΥΣΗΣ ΕΝΗΛΙΚΩΝ, Υπεύθυνος υλοποίησης επιμορφωτικού προγράμματος με αντικείμενο τα «Εικαστικά», 2 έτη
Journal Papers
- Arnellos, A, & Xenakis, I. (2017). Aesthetic perception: A naturalistic turn. New Ideas in Psychology, 47, 77-79. [IF: 1.723] [Author’s copy]
- Xenakis, I. (2017). Reducing uncertainty in sustainable interpersonal service relationships: the role of aesthetics. Cognitive Processing,1-15. [IF: 1.340] [Author’s copy]
- Xenakis, I. & Arnellos, A., (2017). Aesthetics as evaluative forms of agency to perceive and design reality: A reply to aesthetic realism. New Ideas in Psychology, 47, 166-174. [IF: 1.723] [Author’s copy]
- Xenakis, I. & Arnellos, A., (2014). Aesthetic perception and its minimal content: a naturalistic perspective. Front. Psychol. 5:1038. [IF: 2.560] [Author’s Copy]
- Xenakis, I. & Arnellos, A., (2013). The relation between interaction aesthetics and affordances. Design Studies, 34(1), 57-73. [IF: 2.415] [Author’s Copy]
- Xenakis, I., Arnellos, A., Spyrou T. & Darzentas J., (2012). Modelling Aesthetic Judgment: An Interactive-semiotic Perspective. Cybernetics & Human Knowing, 19(3), 25–51. [Author’s Copy]
- Xenakis, I., Arnellos, A. & Darzentas J., (2012). The Functional Role of Emotions in Aesthetic Judgement. New Ideas in Psychology, 30(2), 212-226. [IF: 1.723] [Author’s copy]
Edited Volumes/Special Issues
- Xenakis, I., & Arnellos, A., (Eds.). (2017).SI:Aesthetic perception. Volume 47C, New Ideas in Psychology, Elsevier.
Book Chapters
Xenakis, I., & Arnellos, A. (2015). Aesthetics as an Emotional Activity That Facilitates Sense-Making: Towards an Enactive Approach to Aesthetic Experience. In A. Scarinzi (Ed.), Aesthetics and the Embodied Mind: Beyond Art Theory and the Cartesian Mind-Body Dichotomy, Contributions to Phenomenology, (pp. 245–259). Springer Netherlands. [Autthor’s Copy]
Ph.D. Thesis
- Xenakis, I., (2013). The Role of Aesthetic Emotions in Human-artifact Interaction Prοcess (Phd). Product & Systems Design Engineer, University of the Aegean, Syros, Greece. [Autthor’s Copy] National Archive of PhD Theses
More than 64 artworks are found in private and public collections in Greece, France, Cyprus and USA.
- 2014 Group Show, Ioannis & Hellen Vati Ηall, Intellectual Center of Municipality Hermoupolis, Greece
- 2014 Group Show, Ioannis & Hellen Vati Ηall, Intellectual Center of Municipality Hermoupolis, Greece
- 2013 Group Show, Ioannis & Hellen Vati Ηall, Intellectual Center of Municipality Hermoupolis, Greece
- 2012 Personal Show, Intellectual Center of Municipality Hermoupolis, Greece
- 2011 Group Show, GalleryAtrion, May-June, Thessaloniki, Greece
- 2010 Group Show, Gallery Atrion, Thessaloniki, Greece
- 2010 Personal Show, Retrospective Selection 2002-2010, Intellectual Center of Municipality Hermoupolis, Greece
- 2008 Personal Show, Intellectual Center of Municipality Ano Syros, Greece
- 2006 Personal Show, Intellectual Center of Municipality Ano Syros, Greece
- 2005 Group Show, Intellectual Center of Municipality Hermoupolis, Greece
- 2004 Ομαδική έκθεση, "Απόφοιτοι 2004", Εργοστάσιο Α.Σ.Κ.Τ. Αθήνα, Ελλάδα
- 2003 Group Show, of Laboratory of Painting",Intellectual Center of Municipality Argolida, Greece
- 2003 Painting of Church, Agia Paraskevi, Alimos, Greece