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Course Director: Irini Rigopoulou
Course Code: 6355
Educational Units: 4
ECTS Units: 6
Type: Compulsory (C)
Direction: Service Design
Semester: 03 (Winter)
Hours: 4 hours lecture
marketing course dpsd

The  Content of the particular Course, which is related to the Science (and “art”) of Marketing, can be described as the definition of Marketing indicates, namely: “… the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for consumers, clients, partners, and society at large.”  (American Marketing Association, 2008) .

Since the ultimate goal of Marketing is nothing but the mutual satisfaction of all involved parties in a particular exchange, aiming to build a long-lasting relationship, Marketing is perceived  mostly  as a  mindset rather than a managerial field.

This is  the perspective of the particular course which will utilize all modern theories and available strategic tools.

Moreover, the intention is that the broader strategic thinking which is necessary for the proper implementation of marketing will be passed to students also.

  • The Core notions and terms (like the Need, Value, long-lasting Relationship)
  • the Context in which the Marketing is implemented  (like the external micro- and macro-environment)
  • the Perspectives and Strategic tools that allow its effective implementation (like Research, and Business Ethics as well as S-T-P tool)
  • the Fields of implementation (product / services, b2b, b2c, social, organizational, digital / non digital..)
  • the Strategic tools of Marketing management (7Ps)
  • the Strategic planning of  Marketing as well as the tool of Marketing plan: [structure – content – perspective – prerequisites of an effective and efficient planning]  will be covered.

At the completion of the Course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the fundamental concepts of Marketing, [like: Need, Wish/Desire, Demand/Supply, Value, Expectation and Satisfaction, Exchange and Long lasting relationship, as well as the S-T-P strategic tool: segmentation – targeting and positioning, Brand and Brand building, Marketing mix: (7Ps) and other related to the micro- and macro-environment].
  • Gain the necessary perspective of Marketing thinking that relates the particular scientific field with other social sciences, like Sociology and Psychology, as well as other fields like Research and Statistics.
  • Assess marketing practices from the Greek and the international environment
  • Determine the challenges as well as the opportunities that the b2b, b2c or social marketing sub-fields are facing  in the 21th century.
  • Implement the necessary 7Ps activities in a synergistic way and in the context of the strategic marketing planning process.



  • MARKETING , PANTOUVAKIS, Α.-SIOMKOS, G.-CHRISTOU, Ε. , Livanis Publ. ed. 1/2015 , ISBN: 978-960-14-2960-1, [Evdoxos Code No: 50659640]
  • MARKETING 3.0 From Product to Customer & from Customer to the Person, PHILIP KOTLER, Kerkyra Publ. , 2010 , ISBN: 978-960-9490-03-0, [Evdoxos Code No: 12565138]
  • MARKETING: A strategic perspective ,  Perreault W., BROKEN HILL PUBLISHERS LTD , 2011, 1η ed.,  ISBN 9789604891504,  [Evdoxos Code No: 13256966]
  • Introduction to Marketing , Armstrong Gary, Α. , Kotler Ph. , Epikentro Publ., ed 1th /2009 , ISBN: 978-960-458-204-4,  [Evdoxos Code No: 14952]


Additional Bibliography

  • Strategic Brand management , J N KAPFERER, [Scient. Resp. For the greek edition: Irini Rigopoulou], ROSILI Publ. , ed. 1th/2012,  ISBN: 978-960-89407-9-6,   [Evdoxos Code No: 22679289]
  • Effective product and services portfolio management , Avlonitis G., Papastathopoulou P. Stamoulis Publ. , ed. 1th /2004,  ISBN: 960-351-518-3,  [Evdoxos Code No: 22630]
  • Services Marketing, Avlonitis G., Tsiothou R., Gounaris Sp,. BROKEN HILL PUBLISHERS LTD Poubl., 1th ed./2015,  ISBN: 9789963258567,  [Evdoxos Code No: 50657960]
  • Services Marketing, Gounaris Sp., Karantinou K. , ROSILI Publ. 3th ed/2014, ISBN: 978-960-7745-39-2, [Evdoxos Code No: 41963319]
  • Strategic Industrial (Β2Β) Marketing, Avlonitis G., Dimitriadis S., Indounas C., ROSILI Publ., 2014 1st ed./2014,  ISBN: 978-618-5131-00-5,  [Evdoxos Code No: 41955344]
  • Strategic marketing of High-tech products , Siomkos G..,Tsiamis J., Stamoulis Publ., 2rd ed../2011,  ISBN: 978-960-351-873-0,  [Evdoxos Code No: 12688162]
  • Strategic marketing ,Siomkos G. , Livanis Publ. , 1st ed/2015 , ISBN: 978-960-14-2965-6, [Evdoxos Code No: 50661000]
  • Marketing Plans , Avlonitis G., Papastathopoulou P.  Stamoulis Publ. , 1st ed. /2010 ISBN: 978-960-351-815-0,  [Evdoxos Code No: 23063]
  • eBusiness and marketing, Vlachopoulou M. – Dimitriadis S., ROSILI Publ.,  1st ed./2013 ISBN: 978-960-7745-32-3 [Evdoxos Code No: 32997535]
  • E-MARKETING , Siomkos G. .-Tsiamis J. ,Livanis Publ. , 1st ed/2015,  ISBN: 978-960-14-2967-0, [Evdoxos Code No: 50661004]


Related academic journals

  • Journal of Marketing
  • Journal of Business Research
  • Marketing Theory
  • Psychology and Marketing
  • Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
  • European Journal of Marketing
  • Journal of Services Marketing
  • Journal of Product and Brand management