The course is separated in three basic units:
- Graphics Programming, where topics concerning the working environment of OpenGL are addressed (design commands, projections, model/view transformations, lighting, texture mapping, etc.).
- Geometric Programming, which includes culling, hidden surfaces removal, z-buffer, designing of basic geometric primitives.
- (c) Color and Realism, where the theory of color in PC is developed, models for lighting and shading, and texture mapping.
In lab, we make use of the programming language C/C++ in combination with GLUT toolkit and OpenGL graphics library.
Optional project work is possible.
The first objective of this course is the introduction to the basic concepts and processes that take place during the Graphics Output Pipeline (GOP). The most important stages of GOP where 3D geometric models are transformed into 2D digital images are studied and discussed.
Secondary objective of this course is the application of the theoretical knowledge to geometric and graphics programming technologies in order to acquire the necessary skills to cope with practical design problems.
Final goal of the course is the combination of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in complicated design problems where computer graphics issues are involved.
Suggested bibliography:
- Γραφικά Υπολογιστών με Open GL, H Bakers, Εκδόσεις Τζιόλα, 2010, Αθήνα, 978-960-418-257-2
- Σημειώσεις GLUT & OpenGL, Φ. Αζαριάδης
Additional bibliography:
- Γραφικά & Οπτικοποίηση, Θ. Θεοχάρης, Γ. Παπαϊωάννου, Ν. Πλατής, Ν.Μ. Πατρικαλάκης, Εκδόσεις Συμμετρία, Μ. Αθανασόπουλου – Σ. Αθανασόπουλος Ο.Ε 2010, Αθήνα, 978-960-266-296-0
- Γραφικά Υπολογιστών με Open GL, H Bakers, Εκδόσεις Τζιόλα, 2010, Αθήνα, 978-960-418-257-2
- Γραφικά: Αρχές & Αλγόριθμοι, Θ. Θεοχάρης & Α. Μπεμ, Εκδόσεις Συμμετρία, 1999, Αθήνα, 978-960-11-0004-3
- Πλήρες Εγχειρίδιο της C++, Jesse Liberty, Εκδόσεις Μ.Γκιούρδας, 2006, Αθήνα, 978-960-512-318-5