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Course Director: Konstantinos Bailas
Course Code: 5154
Educational Units: 4
ECTS Units: 6
Type: Compulsory (C)
Semester: 04 (Spring)
Hours: 2 hours lecture and 2 hours lab

The course is separated in Lectures (three hours per week) and Laboratories (two hours per week). The theory of lectures includes new technologies for designing and 3D modeling with computer (Computer Aided Design - CAD) and their application in product and systems design.


Geometric modeling: Representation of parametric surfaces (planes, surfaces of revolution, ruled surfaces, Bezier and B-Splie Surfaces, Coons patches).

Solid Modelling: Representation of geometric entities using CSG and b-Rep.

Reverse Engineering: Production of digital copies from physical prototypes.

Rapid prototyping: Methods and technologies for producing physical models.

The laboratory exercises are based on the commercial systems Creo Parametric Design and Geomagic Studio and includes exercises in the INDEL lab (

The first objective of this course is to extend the students’ knowledge in advanced topics of CAD with the study of specialized modeling problems (like complex solids and surfaces, assembly design, etc.) and the corresponding methods and solutions. The course proceeds with modern topics covering methodologies and technologies of reverse engineering and rapid prototyping (3d printing), which play a significant role in modern product development in both phases of preliminary and detail design. Secondary objective of this course, is the application of the theoretical knowledge to practical product design issues with the use of state-of-the-art 3D design software. The final goal of the course is for students to be able to solve design problems utilizing both the theoretical knowledge and the skills they will acquire within the course.

Suggested bibliography:

  • Βασικές Αρχές Συστημάτων CAD/CAM/CAE,KUNWOO LEE, Εκδόσεις Κλειδάριθμος, 2009, Αθήνα, 978-960-461-139-3.
  • Συστήματα CAD/CAM και Τρισδιάστατη Μοντελοποίηση, Ν.Α Μπιλάλης, Ε. Μαραβελάκης, Εκδόσεις Κριτική, 2009, Αθήνα, 978-960218-617-6.
  • Σημειώσεις στη Σχεδίαση με Η/Υ, Σημειώσεις Φ. Αζαριάδη.


Additional bibliography:

  • Γραφικά & Οπτικοποίηση, Θ. Θεοχάρης, Γ. Παπαϊωάννου, Ν. Πλατής, Ν.Μ. Πατρικαλάκης Εκδόσεις Συμμετρία, Μ. Αθανασόπουλου – Σ.Αθανασόπουλος Ο.Ε 2010, Αθήνα, 978-960-266-296-0
  • Γραφικά Υπολογιστών με Open GL, H Bakers, Εκδόσεις Τζιόλα, 2010, Αθήνα, 978-960-418-257-2
  • Γραφικά: Αρχές & Αλγόριθμοι, Θ. Θεοχάρης & Α. Μπεμ, Εκδόσεις Συμμετρία 1999, Αθήνα, 978-960-11-0004-3
  • Zeid I, CAD/CAM Theory and Practice, McGraw-Hill
  • McMahon, C. & Browne, J.: CADCAM: Principles, Practice and Manufacturing Management, 2nd ed., Addison-Wesley, 1998, ISBN: 0-201-17819-2.
  • Shah, J. & Mantyla, M.: Parametric and Feature-based CAD/CAM: Concepts, Techniques and Applications, John Wiley & Sons, c1995, ISBN: 0471002143.
  • Delchambre, A. (ed): CAD Method for Industrial Assembly: Concurrent Design of Products, Equipment and Control Systems, Wiley, c1996, ISBN: 0471962619.
  • Mortenson, M.: Geometric Modeling, 2nd ed., Wiley, c1997, ISBN: 0-471-12957-7.
  • Εισαγωγή στην παραμετρική σχεδίαση, Μπάιλας Κωνσταντίνος, Βογιατζιδάκης Παναγιώτης, Κωδικός Εύδοξος 50659361, 2015, 978-618-5163-09-9, (Εκδότης) Κωνσταντίνος Φυλάτος