Upcoming Conferences & Events
- eSMCs Summer School 2011
San Sebastián, Spain, 5-9 September, 2011 - ____________________________
Syros, Greece, 29-31 August, 2011
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The 11th Annual Gathering in Biosemiotics, New York, 21-26 June, 2011Contact Details
Argyris Arnellos
University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)
Avenida de Tolosa 70, 20080 Donostia – San Sebastián - Spain
argyris.arnellos (AT) ehu.es
arar (AT) aegean.gr
Project Title: From Minimally Autonomous Biological Individuals to Collectively Associated Autonomous Adaptive Agents
IAS Research Centre for Life, Mind and Society
Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)
Visiting Researcher
Interactive Systems Design Lab (ISD)
Department of Product and Systems Design Engineering (DPSD)
University of the Aegean
- Arnellos, A., & Moreno, A. (2012). How Functional Differentiation Originated in Prebiotic Evolution, Ludus Vitalis XX, num 37 (in press).
- Arnellos, A., Bruni E., L., El-Hani C., & Collier, J. (2012). Anticipatory Functions, Digital-Analog forms and Biosemiotics: Integrating the tools to model Information and Normativity in Autonomous Biological Agents, Biosemiotics 5 (3), (in press).
Arnellos, A., & Moreno, A. (2012). Internalization of functions as a model of minimal semiosis in autonomous systems: Towards a scientific biosemiotics, Biosemiotics 2012, Tartu, Estonia, July, 17-22, 2012.
- Xenakis I. & Arnellos A.. The relation between interaction aesthetics and affordances. Design Studies, (in press)
Xenakis, I., Arnellos, A., Spyrou, T., & Darzentas, J. Modelling the Aesthetic Judgement: an Interactive-semiotic Perspective, Cybernetics & Human Knowing, (forthcoming).
- Xenakis, I., Arnellos, A., & Darzentas, J (2012). The Functional Role of Emotions in Aesthetic Judgement, New Ideas in Psychology, 30 (2), 212-226, dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.newideapsych.2011.09.003. (3rd in the top 20 list of the most downloadable papers)
Zissis, D., Lekkas, D., & Arnellos, A. (2012). A systems theory approach to electronic voting complexity, in Aroon Manoharan and Marc Holzer (Eds.) E-Governance and Civic Engagement: Factors and Determinants of E-Democracy, pp. 128-151, dx.doi.org/10.4018/978-1-4666-0116-1.ch007.
Arnellos, A., Lekkas, D. Zissis, D. Spyrou, T., & Darzentas, J. (2011) Fair Digital Signing: The Structural Reliability of Signed Documents, Computers & Security, (30), 580-596, dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cose.2011.09.001
Arnellos, A., & Moreno, A. (2011) An Organizational Account of Function with a Focus on Functional Differentiation, ISI 2011, Syros, Greece, July, 29-31, 2011.
Xenakis, I., Arnellos A., & Darzentas, J. (2011) Emotions and their Functional Role in Aesthetic Judgment, ISI 2011, Syros, Greece, July, 29-31, 2011.
Arnellos, A., Spyrou, T., & Darzentas, J. (2010). Towards the Naturalization of Agency based on an Interactivist Account of Autonomy, New Ideas in Psychology, 28 (3), 296-311, doi:10.1016/j.newideapsych.2009.09.005.